Friday 9 December 2011


Heheheh... So...

..I only just remembered that this blog exists.

Man, I would be such a bad parent.

Sunday 20 November 2011

WHICH ONE?!?!?!?

So, I decided to make a new post. Why? Because, y'know, why not?

And I sort of have something to talk (write? type?) about this time! Sort of.

Y'see, this one problem has been bugging me for at least an hour. Definitely less than two. And that one problem, which many people probably won't even care about, is "Should I buy Skyrim, or Starcraft II?"

I can only really afford one, and I kinda need something to work me through to the end of the year.
Here's how it goes:

- I want it more, but only really slightly.
- Probably will last me longer.

- Is a whole $14 more expensive than Starcraft
- Isn't mac compatible, so I'll have to run bootcamp or parallels to play it, and there's no guarantee that it will work.

Starcraft II
- Mac compatible
- Cheaper

- Definitely a shorter game.
- My Brother also owns it, so there's no guarantee that I'll need it.

And there you have it. Of course, in all likelihood, I'll probably go with the third option, which is to hold off on both, wait 'till I can get a laptop, and then buy both when I'm in England next year. I can work my way through to the end of the week at least, reading A Song of Ice and Fire, as well.

In fact, I'd practically already decided on that before I sat down to post this. I don't even know why I did. Probably because I'm still troubled by my instant gratification impulse, and also because I just wanted people to know the problem I was having.

Kinda petty, huh.

Sunday 6 November 2011


Okay, I was totally about to post a hugely long* post from my iPod here, but then the stupid browser decided to quit itself. So I'll take that as a sign and put this as post number three. I'll write that other post later.

*size of posts may or may not be subjective.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Random Thought

So, I decided I needed a second post. I mean, why the hell not, right?

So I leave you with this, a thought that occurred to me:

A burning issue is one which is relevant, significant, and will possibly affect a lot of people.

To me though, setting things on fire just seems like a poor way of dealing with problems.

I'm not completely sure why...

But I made this anyway.

This will be totally legit

Trust me.