Sunday 18 March 2012

On Offence

Fuck you.

See what I did there? I just offended you, just like that. It was so easy. So easy, in fact, that it's perfectly possible to do it completely by accident. Everybody gets offended at one point in their life. If you tell me that you have never once been offended by anybody, ever, on any topic, then, frankly, you're wrong. In fact, if you were so bold as to make such a claim, I would go out of my way to offend you.

But it doesn't work like that. You can't offend someone if they know you're trying to offend them! It's as though the intent to cause harm instantly makes it less offensive! Meanwhile, accidental offences are so common, and yet so much more offensive. I might make some offhand remark about how your religion is misguided, make sweeping generalisations about you and whatever groups you may belong to, or crack a joke at your expense - knowing that it's just a joke, and yet you will still be offended.  Why is this? Why is it that one must not mean to offend before it actually occurs?

[[I wrote a huge paragraph here, then deleted it because it doesn't support my case whatsoever.]]

I thought about it, and the answer to me is this: The intent behind offence is completely irrelevant. What matters, is the belief behind it. Generally, offhand remarks will in some way reflect that person's beliefs, as an unintentional side-effect, rather than the sole purpose. However, if I say something for the sole purpose of creating offence, then it doesn't matter what my core beliefs are, because I'm ignoring them to offend you.  Does this make any sense?

Let's take a look at the word offence actually means. I don't have a dictionary on hand, and I can't be bothered to google it, so I'll be doing this by ear. Offence, or to be offensive, to offend. In warfare, when you are attacking, you are on the offensive, you are offending your opponent.  Offensive = attacking. Attacking implies damage. Therefore, if I'm right about both the root of the word, and beliefs, when you say "This offends me", you are really saying, "It is damaging to me to know that you believe that." And there it is. To know you believe that. Because we always want to see the best in people, we can't take offence if their beliefs do not come into account! Thus, a pessimist will always take offence, while an optimist, or just a naive person, will certainly take much less offence.

So there you have it, folks. If you want to offend someone, you have to make them really believe that YOU believe it.

I don't even know why I wrote this post any more.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultrices congue libero, ut congue eros aliquam at. Praesent lacus sapien, consectetur vel porta vel, elementum sed enim. Nulla nulla enim, ornare eu vehicula sit amet, vehicula sit amet leo. Praesent massa mauris, adipiscing adipiscing aliquet non, ultrices quis diam. Morbi suscipit rhoncus vehicula. Vivamus gravida enim venenatis quam feugiat luctus. Vivamus pellentesque vehicula quam, at tristique eros blandit et. Maecenas eget pharetra elit. Donec pellentesque laoreet convallis. Nunc laoreet aliquet tortor vel lobortis. Fusce ante ante, blandit non viverra aliquet, tincidunt quis elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent dignissim, est sed varius eleifend, urna nisi condimentum felis, gravida convallis orci ipsum in lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Vestibulum enim lacus, varius a ullamcorper sit amet, fermentum vel orci. Proin lacinia tellus quis lacus ultricies laoreet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi in ultricies purus. Morbi semper consequat tellus vel rhoncus. Nulla scelerisque ligula nec augue tristique interdum. Nullam at dui ut magna euismod malesuada eu suscipit justo. Integer eleifend lacus ut elit blandit ultricies. Maecenas non lorem id elit auctor iaculis eget sodales velit.
Mauris blandit facilisis purus a porta. Etiam posuere felis vitae odio rhoncus congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec facilisis lacus ut elit porttitor in elementum felis facilisis. Praesent euismod dapibus neque, ut dictum lectus sagittis non. Integer lacus libero, faucibus ac rhoncus et, eleifend vitae sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent diam tellus, ornare ac suscipit sit amet, dictum quis diam. Quisque at ante nunc. Vestibulum nec felis quis dui interdum porttitor vel non lectus.
Fusce gravida tortor ac turpis porta eget dictum urna pharetra. Donec dui nulla, posuere sodales adipiscing et, gravida non eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque posuere nulla eget mauris vehicula sit amet congue diam molestie. Sed a dui ut diam gravida lobortis non in ligula. Phasellus nunc quam, vulputate dapibus vehicula vestibulum, molestie quis mauris. Nulla vel ligula consectetur leo hendrerit lacinia.
Quisque tincidunt, risus quis placerat placerat, dolor augue dignissim odio, id tincidunt ligula ipsum vitae tellus. Ut vulputate sagittis urna at venenatis. Aliquam vulputate neque tincidunt nunc faucibus egestas. Praesent eget facilisis nunc. Duis tristique, nisl id cursus volutpat, velit nisl faucibus velit, eget sodales urna orci quis risus. Curabitur lectus sapien, consequat interdum porta id, varius non arcu. Maecenas elementum lacinia lacus sit amet dapibus. Nunc sem justo, rutrum in tincidunt bibendum, blandit ac sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent dui justo, elementum ut egestas at, cursus ut dolor. Curabitur ac urna sed ligula scelerisque commodo. Duis eleifend mi non dolor cursus blandit. Phasellus hendrerit porta ante. Etiam est dolor, condimentum at viverra at, sagittis sed dui. Aenean tempus tellus quis diam scelerisque eget commodo mauris feugiat.

But seriously though, that burrito post is coming. I promise. The only reason I haven't written it yet is because "I'm researching" it's the only legit reason I have right now for eating burritos every day.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Words which I constantly misspell

And the words which I constantly misspell them as, in "no particular*" order:

*Order of how often I misspell them as that form, descending order^.

^Give or take.

Weird: wierd
The: Teh
Totally: Tottaly
Concert: huewfgp [[EDIT: That was totally supposed to be the only joke in this post. Which is why I should have come up with a more comprehensive list before writing it. And probably thought of a realistic word, rather than using a random word generator.]]

P.S: I am totally drunk while writing this. I definitely planned on having a list longer than four words.

P.P.S: You were tottaly hoping for a post about a burrito and society, weren't you? Stiff shit, I'll post whatever the fuck I want.

...Next post, though. I promise. Post after that, at the least.