Sunday 27 January 2013

It's 4am...

And sleep is eluding me like the little bitch that it is. So clearly there is no better thing for me to do than to update that blog thing that I apparently have.

Anyway, I'm now back in Australia. Have been for weeks now. Well, two weeks. It's been good catching up with friends I haven't seen for a year, but I think I managed to make an absolute royal ass of myself at the pub last night. That's Australia Day for you. I had a litre of Absolut, and there was a disturbingly small amount left in the bottle this morning. And then I paid for it for the rest of the day.

Sometimes it feels like my life is just one big clusterfuck after another, but I think I'll let it stay that way. Keeps thing interesting.

Oh, also, I got a new laptop... And then spilled coke all over it. And now it is completely fucked. Luckily it comes with a year of hardware repair warranty. I just need to hope the one Apple Retailer in town can actually do the repairs, and accepts the warranty. Because fuck that if I can't get it repaired any time soon.

What else was there? Not a lot, really. Just chillaxing at home until Uni starts up in February. Nothing really new is happening, except that I'm finally back in the country where I belong, and have no plans to be elsewhere in the foreseeable future. That's pretty much the only difference. I still need to get a girlfriend. I'm still going to ignore this blog as much as possible. I'm still not sure anyone actually cares about any of this. And I still struggle to find ways to end blog posts neatly.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Why I don't post more.

Do you ever get those days where you just have nothing to do? Or the very little you do have to do isn't really all that interesting, so you just keep doing it out of sheer force of will because it's that much marginally better than not doing anything? Well, I'm having one of those days today. Oh, and yesterday. And the day before!

So, long story short I've been kind of bored out of my mind recently. I guess that's kind of an effect of being in a foreign country for two weeks with literally only one thing to do, and I'm really not all that into skiing anyway.

So, I've managed to make it so that for today and tomorrow, at least, I'm not really going to have to leave the warm house to go and engage in a sport which effectively consists of standing up in the snow for several hours. Because goddamnit if I'm going to go and do the same thing for four hours plus a lunch break, I demand that at the very least it's productive, enjoyable or warm. So far, sliding down a mountain and then going back up it, rinse and repeat, hasn't proven to be any of those three. And hasn't for a good while out of the last 9 years since we started coming here.

Either way, I'm now lying in bed, warm, at quarter past noon, but ridiculously bored (still preferable to being out on the mountain, though). And the blogger app has been taunting me every time I go to the home screen, demanding that OMG I SHOULD UPDATE MY BLOG. Fucker. I just updated it just a couple of days ago! Still, that is the reason for this post. And because I am stuck on mobile Internet for the foreseeable future, this post is not a Contiki Chronicles post, because pictures work weirdly on this app. Also, you'll notice that this has pretty much zero formatting, because this part of the app appears to be little more than three text boxes with some picture options down the bottom. So you're stuck with words. Plain old words, with no specialness to them to make them all pretty or whatnot. Words that I appear to be running out of, because I have no idea where that last sentence came from.

But, I will persevere! Or at least type meaningless jumbles of words until I take the time to actually look at what I'm typing. Either way. ever have one of those moments where someone tells you to stop talking, and you tell them you won't stop talking, at more or less the exact same time that you run out of things to say? Well, I almost had a very similar moment just now, but thankfully I managed to avoid it by talking about my lack of things to say. I think I may have talked myself into a dead end or something here. Conversationally-wise, at least. Although it's hard to call it a conversation if it's just me rambling on a keyboard to a bunch of people with frankly questionable attention spans and who I'm not even sure will even read this. Still.