Sunday 23 June 2013


It turns out I haven't named any of my posts "Insomnia" yet. Which is weird, considering it seems to be the motivating factor for about 70% of all my posts. Kind of like this one.

So here I am, at 3am, having just failed to get to sleep for the last two hours, writing a blog post. I'm honestly struggling to come up with things to talk about past "what I've been doing for the last <insert time since last blog post>". I'm not really sure many people appreciate getting nothing more than brief snapshots into the train wreck that is my life. Especially since I can't really say much had changed. Exams are almost over, I guess. My last one - for Comp - is on Wednesday, and I'm feeling pretty good about it, which is more than I could have said for Physics and Maths. After that, well, I'll be off trying to find stuff to do for almost four weeks again. It will probably involve copious amounts of drinking.

But enough of that. My life really isn't that interesting. Makes me wonder why I have a blog in the first place, to be honest. The answer is because I was convinced my brain held hidden gems that were just waiting to be thrust out onto the interwebs for the viewing pleasure of at least like, a dozen people. Maybe a dozen and a half. The reality is that if those gems do exist, my brain filtering system decides to keep me from thinking about those instead of the flood of crap that it's actually meant to keep out. And so I end up with all sorts of useless junk going through my mind at 3am in the morning, thus resulting in this blog post.

Hmm... Two paragraphs so far, I must be on a roll today. Maybe I can keep it going if I just keep typing and not think about the fact that nobody in their right mind would want to read the garbage that spews forth from my brain like some kind of limitless trash fountain into the small confined area that is my blog. But meh, screw those people. I never enjoyed talking to right-minded people anyway. I only like crazy people. They're much more entertaining, so long as you can keep them from delivering severe bodily harm to people. People who aren't you, that is. Or people who you care about. Or anybody who isn't a person you have a severe hatred for. But in every other case, that shit is hilarious.

Let's see... what else has been going on? I may have mentioned this already, but I've been playing some crazy amount of Borderlands 2 recently. I've kind of already finished the game though. Twice. I'm planning on getting the DLC for it as soon as the bank gets its shit together and sends me my debit card. Which might not be for a while, since they apparently managed to send it to a totally different branch to the one that they were supposed to. Hopefully I can get it by Friday though, since dropping by the bank on campus might be a bit of a hassle once I'm back home in Orange. Not that I'm opposed to a three and a half hour drive, mind you. It just doesn't seem practical from my viewpoint is all.

Also, I've now watched all of both existing seasons of Sherlock, and I can now see what all the fuss is about. It's a good show. I'm currently two episodes into Breaking Bad, but I seem to be taking my time with this show, not entirely sure why. Maybe it's the awkwardly-lengthed episodes or the fact that despite my outward appearance, I'm just not that into crystal meth. Or more likely, it's the fact that I only watch it when it's past midnight and then I need to go to sleep shortly after. Probably that last one.

I should probably stop typing now. I get the impression the quality of my writing has dropped somewhat dramatically over the last three paragraphs. Although I'm still not tired enough to sleep, which is kind of bullshit. And I still have almost nothing to write about. Maybe if I just completely abstained from computers for three weeks I'd have more interesting tales to tell. As it is, most of my time which could otherwise be spent experiencing adventures and other tales of derring-do is instead consumed by my apparently voracious appetite for banality. Whoo.

And with that charming end note, I'm off to try my luck at being tired elsewhere on the Internet. Farewell, all ye who venture here!

1 comment:

  1. Hey man, don't sweat stuff like that. The quality of the content is inconsequential to your desire to share it. I do that sometimes too and all such thinking offers is the decay of your desire. WRITE WHATEVER YOU WANT, FUDDSDUDE! BE IT PROFOUND OR JUST BANALITY, WRITE LIKE THE WIND AND LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY!

    ...said the guy who rarely posts what he writes. I stand by what I said, though. Banana hammock.
